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Our Valued Partners

Past & Present

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Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center

The Glen Ellyn Children’s Resource Center has a strong legacy of serving its local community. As the organization celebrated its 20 year history, they decided to take stock of where the organization is and where it’s headed - especially as it related to the organization’s brand. Philanthropy.Studio was there to help.

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The ArtConnects

The devastating arrival of covid-19 impacted us all. As society wrestled with the challenges caused by the virus, the ability to process individual and collective experiences became all the more important. Inspired by the work of Makoto Fujimura, the ArtConnects Initiative sought to cultivate visions of shared connection and culture. While plans to launch a virtual art gallery to create space for vision formation were already underway, the plan implementation had challenges of its own. The Philanthropy Studio was there to help.

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The Good Neighbor Collective

Since 2018, The Good Neighbor Collective has worked to better the lives of its community by strengthening local kinship networks. As the organization grew, the importance of formalizing its mission and funding plan grew with it. The Philanthropy Studio was there to help.

Case Studies: Clients
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